Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Ward experience & Critical moment

I was supposed to be discharged after a week but on that particular day, the doctor took it upon herself to check my spo2 & she went," kenapa mak cik punya heart beat tinggi sgt?" (My heart beat was above 100  ~ normal heart beat shud be 60 - 100) Err .. that definitely didn't sound good. Yes I had fever during the night but it was down by morning so I didn't make a deal out it. Unfortunately, the doctor saw it differently. She cancelled discharging me & sent me into "isolation". She ran a blood test n true enuff I had sepsis.

The next morning I was feeling better so I decided to practise on the spirometer. Instead of helping me breathe better, things got worse. My spo2 level kept dropping. When it reached 80, my daughter ran out to call the nurse & everyone went into panic frenzy. 

Suddenly a male doctor rushed in, changed my nasal prong to a stronger mask, took an ABG blood test .. I was breathing better but I was still gasping. Then my Onco Dr appeared. She hugged me & assured me that she'll give me something to help me breathe better. I was given a series of meds & she stayed with me until my breathing stabled. In the midst of all these she had told my daughter to call her father & asked him to come to the hospital as soon as possible together with everyone else available at home. I think she was preparing for the worse.

In the evening my doctor came with the Onco specialist. They explained to my husband what happened was probably due to my low immunity level post chemotherapy & also explained that I was given steroid to strengthen my lungs, a higher dose of antibiotics & oral morphine as painkiller. The specialist assured my husband that pushing me into ICU wud be the last option when all else failed. Finally my doctor told my husband that my lungs are actually in critical condition. She also told him to be prepared that I may not have much time left.

That nite, I read msgs from my husband to every possible grup that we joined asking for everyone's prayers for my recovery.

The best outcome out of this : I got a prayer fr Ustz Bunyamin, Ustaz Aqidah TFD Phg.

Earlier I had a prayer fr Us Ahmad Baha' Mokhtar coz I'm close to his mother.

Yesterday I had prayers fr my tawajjuh sisters n brothers.

Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli hal.

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