Monday, July 25, 2022

My Cancer Journey

I went to SASMEC, UIA, Kuantan to check on sumthg but end up getting treatment for somethg else. 😊

While preparing for a minor surgery, I had to undertake a blood test, ECG & Xray. The Anaest was happy becoz everythg came out good until .. she saw my Xray. 

"Boleh la proceed dgn surgeri, semua cantik ... Ehhh, tak cantik, tak cantik" & she showed me my Xray. We both thot it was a case of post Covid lungs. I had been coughing & feeling lethargic as in some post Covid cases.

And THAT's when the ball started rolling. I was referred to Internal Medicine. The Dr took one look at my Xray & went "That's not post Covid lungs". He suspected TB so he ran all the tests for TB but they all came back negative. Then he requested for High Resolution Thoracic Scan. 4/7 he showed me the results of the scan & told me the good news. "I suspect it is cancer but it did not start fr the lungs. It spread  to the lungs fr outside via the lymph nodes"

6/7 I went to see the surgeon. She did a biopsy. Ordered for urgent Mammogram & Ultrasound which I took on Friday 8/7/2022

20/7 Biopsy, Mammogram & Ultrasound confirmed that I have Stage 4 Cancer. Primer being a lump in my breast which I was only aware of recently when I had Covid. The cancer had spread to my proximal lymph nodes & fr there into my lungs

21/7 Oncologist decided to treat the cancer in my lungs first .. then we'll deal with the lymph nodes & breast, she said, sbb the nodes & B tak sakit (uncomfortable but not painful). My guess, it's because my spO2 cud no longer reach 95. It's currently at 92. My son said, "92 tu pun tak cukup Ibu ... sel2 ibu tak cukup O2" I know he's worried BUT the hsework still needs to be done. Ok I'll do it like sllloooowwwwly .. like in sllloww motion. 

Tggu Icah & Ara balik. Those 2 mmg tgn kanan ibu. TAPI Ara tak boleh balik sbb research dia terkait dgn Senior punya lab work. And Aisyah cuma boleh balik sekejap sbb 8/8 dia ada praktikal selama 20 hari d Shah Alam. Then she starts her 4th year. Apapun Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal.

Semoga Allah beri saya kekuatan utk menjalani kimoterapi yg akan bermula 28/7 ini in syaa Allah. Aamiin.


Dzan said...

May Allah SWT gives you strength and recovery soon. And yr family are with you to give you all the support n comfort.

I am not really sure cancer stage 4 means what? But there is only comfort with doa.

Syafakallah. Ya Rabb. Speedy recover

Anonymous said...

Dear Hjh Ina, I was diagnosed NPC with Stage 3. After all preparations were made the node need my right side jaw swelled meaning the Bg C cells was at T4 already. I was admitted and the whole regime changed.

I dont have enough time to extract all my teeth to prepare for RT. Instead, the Oncologist decided to put me on Chemotherapy.

I didn't not tell my wife & family that I was at stage 4. It was hush-hush and my Oncologist agreed not to reveal my situation. Maintain only at stage 3.
After 2 years, by slip of the tongue the Oncologist accidentally told aloud that my cancer was stage 4. My wife was surprised 'gila'.

That was back in 2013 during the Hari Raya Aidil Fitri celebration. I completed all treatment, Chemo & Radiotherapy back in January 2014.

"I'm not proud of my records but I'm proud of my success" is my personal quote until today. At stage 4 the Chemo & Radiotherapy was full dose, maximum.

This was & is my Big C journey. Hjh Ina my advice is keep a positive mind, strong will, avoid negativity especially negative people.

Trust the Creator, trust your Specialist. Listen to your Dietician. Get lots & lots of support from; Family members.. immediate ones, Friends... close friends, neighbours... close neighbours.

Remember to keep a positive mind, supportive people and avoid negative people.

InaOK said...

Thank you so much for your advice. In syaa Allah I'll try to keep a strong mind. Jazakallahu khairan kathira.
May Allah bless us n keep us close to HIM always. Aamiin

InaOK said...
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InaOK said...

Kind of bersyukur this thing happened after my father's passing. It wud have been very hard on him. Bicara dia mmg kasar tapi hati dia very sensitif.

InaOK said...

Tq Dzan. Jazakallahu khairan kathira